"Humanus Terra" is a collection of portraits that aims to showcase the diversity and beauty of the human race. Through this series, I hope to convey the message that despite our differences, we all share a common humanity. Each individual in this collection represents a unique culture, race, and background, but together they form a harmonious whole. This series is a celebration of our differences, and a reminder that we are all connected. The title "Humanus Terra" translates to "Human Earth" in Latin, highlighting our shared existence on this planet. This project aims to spark conversations about acceptance, understanding and inclusivity. It is a reminder that we are all human, and that we are all capable of understanding, compassion and empathy.

The Los Padres "Hot Shots" are on scene with dozens of firefighters from around the country, here to fight the devistating Thomas Fire. Carpinteria, California

Los Padres "Hot Shots" working to contain the Thomas Fire in the hills of Montecito, California.

On May 1st, 2017, a group of individuals identifying as Alt-Right Christian Conservatives, Proud Boys, and 4chan members gathered for a May Day protest in Seattle, Washington.

Student's leading the "March for Our Lives" protest in Downtown Los Angeles, California.


Rene Reyes, a Lancaster resident, is captured on camera enjoying Independence Day celebrations at the Lancaster National Soccer Center, where Mayor R. Rex Parris defied Los Angeles County's ban on large public gatherings by labeling the fireworks display as a protest. "This is America. This is our birthday, and it is the worst year that we have ever experienced. The only thing that will stop it is handcuffs," said Mayor Parris in an ABC7 interview. Despite the recent surge in COVID-19 cases in LA County and the CDC's guidelines to limit gatherings to 50 people or less, Mayor Parris stated he would only cancel the event if there is scientific evidence to support it as unsafe.


On May 8th, 2018, a young man proudly waves the Armenian flag from a passing vehicle as the city of Glendale, California, home to the largest community of Armenian people in the United States, celebrates the "Velvet Revolution."
The Velvet Revolution, also known as the Armenian Revolution of 2018, was a series of peaceful protests and civil disobedience that occurred in Armenia from April to May 2018. The protests were sparked by the decision of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia to nominate former President Serzh Sargsyan as the country's next Prime Minister, despite a constitutional amendment that had transferred executive power from the President to the Prime Minister. The protests were led by Nikol Pashinyan, a member of the opposition Yelk Alliance, who called for mass civil disobedience and a peaceful transition of power. After several weeks of protests, Sargsyan resigned as Prime Minister on April 23, and Pashinyan was elected as the country's new Prime Minister on May 8, 2018. The revolution was widely seen as a major victory for democracy and civil rights in Armenia.


A performer in drag makes their way down Ocean Blvd in Long Beach, California during the PRIDE parade of 2018.
Pride parades have been important as they serve as a way for LGBTQ+ individuals to come together, express themselves, and raise awareness for their rights and acceptance.


In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the annual Mummer's Day celebration is steeped in tradition and history, dating back to its roots in England. Spectators can witness working class men decked out in intricate costumes as they sing and dance in parades. While the celebration is rooted in tradition, revelers also partake in the age-old practice of indulging in merriment and revelry.


Each summer, Los Angeles comes alive with a series of vibrant dance nights. This night's theme was Bollywood, and the participants were fully immersed in the spirit of the Indian film industry, with colorful costumes and exuberant dancing.


Alice Mizrahi, a graffiti artist known for her powerful murals promoting peace and unity, strikes a pose in front of her latest creation in Rochester, New York. The mural, located in the historic neighborhood of Susan B. Anthony, serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle for equality and social justice.


During Leather Pride Week, a cosplay Wonder Woman takes a break from the festivities at the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco, known as the world's largest leather festival.

Art Ramirez, a resident of South Los Angeles, is a skilled welder by day, using his expertise to construct fences. But by night, he transforms scrap metal into one-of-a-kind electric bikes, showcasing his creativity and resourcefulness.
A man, appearing to be under the influence, saunters by, serenading with his guitar as he makes his way through a South Los Angeles neighborhood.
In a converted Moose Lodge, Upstate New York's independent professional wrestling scene comes to life as Gabriel Saint soars through the air during a match against visiting Japanese wrestler Shoichi Funaki.
A man, who prefers to remain anonymous, is seen lying in a vacuum-sealed latex bed during the Kinky Carnival event at the annual Rochester Erotic Arts Festival.

The "Electric Vaginas" have their portrait made while riding the back of an art car at Los Angeles's Bequinox Festival in Joshua Tree, CA. With their golden strap-ons, they shower thirsty crowds with the finest of champagnes. (03/18/2017)


A woman participates in the annual Carnaval festival, showcasing elaborate costumes and dance moves amidst the vibrant parades and street parties in Aruba, a Caribbean island celebrating its culture and heritage. The festival typically takes place in the weeks leading up to Ash Wednesday

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